by Yasmine Lesire | French language tips
I can accurately predict whether you’re going to reach your French-speaking goals or not. It’s a strong statement, but hear me out. (And no, there are no crystal balls involved.) During my 10 years of teaching French as a second language, I’ve helped countless...
by Yasmine Lesire | Podcast
L’autre jour, j’ai reçu une demande d’un nouvel élève qui m’expliquait qu’il aimerait améliorer son passé simple et son subjonctif imparfait. En 15 ans de carrière, c’est la première fois que je recevais cette demande. Il est d’origine italienne et dans la plupart...
by Yasmine Lesire | French language tips
How many times has this happened to you? You finally muster up the courage to speak French — whether it’s ordering food, calling the bank, or a conversation with relatives. Feeling ready and rehearsed you start to speak … and then all of a sudden… frozen, you go...
by Yasmine Lesire | Podcast
J’entends souvent en cours mes élèves dire la phrase suivante après avoir fini un exercice : Je suis fini(e). Cette phrase en français est correcte et souvent, elle ne veut pas exactement dire ce qu’ils pensent. En effet, “je suis fini(e)” est une traduction...
by Yasmine Lesire | French language tips
Nobody will be able to understand me when I speak in French… I guess I’ll just speak in English to be safe…. Can you relate to those thoughts? Well, you’re not alone. So many adult learners are still scared to speak French, even after attending hours and hours...