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66 Avenue des Champs Elysées
75008 Paris


12 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt
1000 Brussels

Frequently Asked Questions
How to I cancel my membership?

We want you to be free to cancel you membership whenever you feel like. Here is how to do it: 

https://school.ilearnfrench.eu/login > top right area in your member area > profil > settings > billing information 

Please be aware that when you cancel your membership, you may loose the discount rate of your membership which means that next time, you'll have to pay full price. 

Should I take a private class or a group class?

It really depends on you and your learning style. Typically, private French classes are ideal for busy and active professionals who need more flexibility or more one-on-one guidance.

If you’re not sure, read about the pros and cons for each option here.

I've lost my password. Can you help?

To recover your password, you can go to this page and enter your email address.

How often should I attend classes?

For private classes, we recommend taking at least one lesson per week for 3 months. Frequency and a structured routine are important. We’ll be totally realistic and honest with you ... if you’re a beginner and only plan on taking one lesson per month, you probably won’t progress as much as you’d like. Learning French is like going to the gym — you need to put in the work to start noticing results.

Do you give lessons to companies and enterprises?

Yes, teaching businesses is actually our speciality. We’ve already taught over 100 companies and are happy to take care of the administrative aspect. If your enterprise would like to learn French with us just fill out this form here and let us know who to contact within your company. We’ll organize everything for you — all you’ll have to focus on is learning French!

Are there discounts offered for multiple lessons/packages?


Why is there a minimum 20 hours for private lessons?

We know from experience that at least 20 hours is required to start seeing real and sustainable progress. We ourselves are language-learners and multilinguals and we understand what it takes to learn a language effectively as an adult.

At I Learn French we are results oriented — we want you to meet your goals. We also know that at least a few sessions are needed for your brain to truly absorb the concepts and for you to start noticing a difference. That’s why our model is not to sell you an hourly-rate service but rather — to get you results.

Can I have a free trial lesson?

No, we do not offer free trial lessons. We offer high-quality lessons on a results-based model that pays their teachers fairly. We don’t want to convince anyone with a trial — if you’re committed to learning and improving your French, join us. If you’re still unsure, we’ll welcome you when you’ve made a decision.

What is the background of the teachers? Can I see their resumes?

The profiles of some teachers are available on our website here. Please note that we’re a language agency that works with officially registered freelance teachers and we respect the privacy of those who don’t wish to be listed.

We only work with multilingual and certified teachers who understand what language learning is like as an adult. All our teachers are passionate, in love with French and genuinely enjoy what they do. They also receive in-house training and follow the proven and efficient I Learn French methodology. 

If you’re interested in looking at the resume of our founder, Yasmine Lesire, you can see check out her Linkedin here. Feel free to say bonjour!

Where do lessons take place? Can I have lessons on the weekend?
  • Online lessons take place on Webex, Zoom or Teams. You will receive a recording of the lesson, which we recommend you re-watch. 
  • In-person lessons can either take place at your office or in a public setting like a cafe. If you’d prefer lessons at your own home, we ask that at least the first lesson be in a public setting. Only when the instructor feels comfortable, can classes take place in your home. 

Weekend classes are also available and may involve an additional fee.

Do you offer a certification?

We do offer an in-house certification upon request. Please let us know before you start your classes with us so we can evaluate your level at the beginning. We’ll then provide you a certificate with your progress.

If I don’t live in a francophone country or city, will the French course still be relevant for me? Can I still join?

Yes, absolutely! With language learning, location is not the most important part of your learning journey. Being located in a French-speaking city can encourage you to practice but even if not, there are tons of things you can still do to practice. Your teacher will help you sort out what is best and practical for you, your learning pace and lifestyle.

Will I speak French after my lessons? How long will it take to speak fluently?

This is the million dollar question everyone wants to know! There is no straightforward answer because it ultimately depends on you and how much work you put in. Attending a quality course is the first important step in your language learning journey. However, you need to study independently and practice to gain fluency. While all of our lessons center on speaking to improve your language acquisition, it’s ultimately up to your individual efforts. Here are a few pointers to optimize results:

  • Establish a routine by attending classes regularly and practicing on your own. The more you put in, the more you’ll get out of your lessons.
  • Cultivate discipline by studying and reviewing the material frequently. You’ll notice a huge difference between a class you haven’t prepared for versus a class you’ve actually spent time reviewing and studying for — it’s like night and day.
  • Adopt a positive mindset — language learning is a marathon and it should be an enjoyable process. That’s why we’re strong believers in having fun and appreciating your unique progress along the way — whatever pace that may be. 

We’ll do everything we can to support you in your French language journey and ensure you meet your goals, but you need to put in the work as well. 

I’ve never learned a foreign language before. Is learning French difficult?

Like with everything, mindset and attitude is super important. If you’re motivated, patient with yourself and ready to enjoy the process — it’ll be easy and fun. If you’re not motivated and hate the language, it’ll make the process hard.  You can learn some practical tips for studying French when you hate it here.

How long does it take to reach the next level?

It depends on how regularly you attend French lessons and study independently. We’ll equip you with the right tools and guide you through critical grammar, vocabulary, listening and reading comprehension but it’s up to you on how frequently you study.

Based on our experience, you can reach the next level after 20 or 30 hours of a French course. However, if you don’t study between classes it can take much longer, and even not progress at all. Learning a language is a marathon and everyone has different learning styles — consistency is key to progress.

Listen to the Free podcast episode where you'll learn how long does it really take to be fluent in French. Episode in French

I have a B2 Level, can you help me?

Yes, we can help you progress. In addition of our Private French classes, we offer two different group classes for advanced level: the Weekly Dose of French and the Café français:

Weekly Dose of French (Membership) 

⭐️1h on Monday and Thursday 

⭐️Grammar and conversation 

⭐️ Replay 

⭐️B1 and B2

⭐️ Online

Café Français (Membership)

⭐️ 1h30 on Tuesday 

⭐️Conversation only 

⭐️Ideal for level B2 and upwards 


Join the waiting list here to be informed when registration is open.

For Private French classes, we recommend that you attend at least one hour of French lessons per week, where you will learn and practice extra grammar. In between lessons you’ll be asked to actively study. At the B2 level, we mainly work with real-life and authentic examples and materials for francophones like media articles, podcasts, and videos. 

Check out some tips for B2 level learners here.

How can I practice between my classes?

After every lesson you’ll be assigned homework and exercises so you can immediately practice what you’ve learned. If you want more homework, don’t hesitate to ask. We’re always happy to support our keen and extra-studious students!  For online classes, we also recommend re-watching the recording of previous lessons — it’s a great way to cement the knowledge you’ve already learned. 

What is the best method to learn French?

There are many ways to learn French and it depends on your learning style. Some people need to write down the words, while others need a detailed explanation. Some have a photographic memory, while others have an auditory memory. Figuring out what works for you might feel as challenging as learning French itself! But don’t worry, your teacher will help you determine your unique learning style, and work with it to get you results.

Why can’t I speak French? I’m too shy to speak, can you help me?

A lot of times adult students think that after just a few lessons they’ll be able to speak French fluently. This might work for a really small percentage of the population — but it's rarely the case. Learning French requires consistency in both attending classes and studying in between lessons. You can read more about that here. We’ve found that there are generally two types of language learners:


  • Students who don’t care if they make mistakes and use every opportunity to speak, even in broken French. They aren’t ashamed of their rusty French and enjoy practicing whenever they can.
  • Students who are shy, extremely hard on themselves, don’t allow for mistakes and are scared of speaking. As a consequence, these students never really practice in real life situations. The fear of making mistakes and not being understood usually comes from not understanding the grammar or vocabulary well enough.

If you recognize yourself in the second category, know that you aren’t alone and we are here to help you! We design our classes to be a safe space where you can build your confidence and break out of your shell. Courage!

Can you help me pass the DELF/DALF?

Yes. We have helped students successfully in the past for DELF/DALF exam preparation and are happy to assist you during our private lessons. 

You can book your private lessons here

Is there a community of students I can connect with?

Yes, there is a private and active Facebook group for I Learn French students where you can connect with other learners. In the secret group you can ask anything you want about the French language, even after your training. We are strong believers in community — it makes language learning so much more fun.

I’m very busy with work and private life, can you still help me?

Absolutely! This is our speciality. We mostly work with students who have a demanding lifestyle and don’t necessarily have the time to attend lessons with a fixed schedule. We offer classes online or at your office, and can build a routine together that works around your schedule and lifestyle needs. Even if you’re busy, you still deserve to learn French! You can book private lessons here.

Do you offer visa advice or housing services?

No, we don’t. We are a language school — we don’t offer any relocation services or advice.

What material do you use during the class?

We use a variety of books depending on students' needs, though we highly recommend all the books from CLE International. One book we recommend that is considered the French grammar bible by many is Grammaire progressive du français, niveau intérmédiaire.

What happens if I decide to cancel my course?

Obviously we’d love for you to stay a student at I Learn French forever, but we totally understand that needs and plans change. So while we’d be really sad to see you go, if you’re absolutely sure that our courses are not a good fit for you, you can send us an email.

Unfortunately, we don’t offer refunds on our courses.