
Private French Classes

Ready to speak French from Zero to Hero?

Bonjour, Comment ça va? Do you like the podcast “le français avec Yasmine”? Do you love us on Instagram? You’re gonna love our Premium private French classes. We have been teaching French since 2008 and we’ve helped dozens of people become autonomous and confident in French – you can too! Join us and enjoy a tailor made and exclusive private French course.

Yes you can

Why can’t you speak French today?


Do you struggle to juggle all the tenses you’ve studied so far and it’s so confusing that your head is going to explode?


Are you tired of being intimidated by native speakers who speak fast?


Do you feel that you’ve reached a plateau and you don’t know how to reach the next level?


Do you feel you are not improving and learning as fast as you would like to and do you feel behind in 2020?


Do you feel alone and abandoned in your studies ?


Do you struggle to identify when words are linked together when natives speak?


You never had time for such a big project?


Do you think it’s impossible to navigate through French grammar when you don’t have strong foundation in your native language?


Do you wish you could improve your conversation skills and be more confident even if you are not bilingual?


You’ve studied the subjonctif but would like to reach a step further?


Are you fed up with learning something else than boring standard French, bloody exceptions and vocabulary lists?


Do you dream of being more natural when you meet people and not speaking like a baby?


Are you tired of getting nervous when you speak French?


Are you tired of being language dependent (partner, kids, colleagues,…) ?


Have you given up or put your studies on hold because you felt overwhelmed and not legitimate?


Were you discouraged by unstructured and amateur teachers ?

Yes you can

We’ve created a solution for you

In addition  to living in a world of instant gratification where fake short cuts are offered everywhere and all the time, it’s hard to accept that projects such as learning French as a second language may not be as straightforward as we want to. At I Learn French, we are facing the same frustration as we are all learning other languages. Learning a language is learning how to be comfortable being uncomfortable. It involves doubts, fears, variation of motivations, blushing, panicking and stress. It’s totally normal to experience these and it happens often because we are too strict with ourselves. We want to be the best and perfect. At I Learn French, we think perfect is boring. We’ve designed a course where you won’t only learn to  be confident in French, you’ll also learn more about yourself and to enjoy every single step of your learning journey. . Are you ready to breathe, chill and learn to be nicer to yourself?

"Correct your mistakes before they become your habits.” James Clear

Yes you will

What you’ll learn with us


You’ll practice your French with certified, polyglot teachers


You’ll understand the structure of the language to reach the next step even if you’re zero in grammar in your native language


You’ll improve your thinking and learning, and understand why you were failing to reach the dream you’ve had for ages


You’ll enjoy the magic of learning and speaking French without completely psyching yourself out before you even start.


You’ll learn and connect with linked minded people and be part of a lovely community.


You’ll build the confidence you dream of, even if you are not bilingual


You’ll implement a structure of your bases to create strong foundation and reach the level you deserve


You’ll enjoy the content and the course with a teacher who works with your personality type and strengths, not against them.


You’ll quiet down all those mindset gremlins and overcome months (or even years!) of procrastination.


You’ll create a routine that will allow you to continue improving and learning autonomously and independently even after the course

”The first mistake is never the one that ruins you. It’s the spiral of repeated mistakes that follows. The problem is not slipping up; the problem is thinking that if you cannot do something perfectly, then you shouldn’t do it at all…” James Clear

Yes you will

A Private French Course Is For You If:


You are goal and result oriented.


You want to practice your French at your own rythme.


You don't want to learn with pre-recorded material.


You want to be independent in French.


You want to learn and have fun.


You hate vocabulary lists.


You want to have personal feedback.


You want to create a routine in French.


You are an introvert.


You are ready to work hard on your own as well.


You are committed to re-reading your notes on a daily basis.


You want to be guided by an expert.


You want to be able to ask questions in real life to your teacher.


You want a structured course.


You are ready to make a move.

Your teacher

Bonjour, je m’appelle Yasmine

French teacher in Paris Yasmine Lesire
I’m a Private French teacher with super powers including : simplifying your learning in French and helping clients  to learn and speak French the easy, fun and efficient way. With my amazing colleagues, we help you to be confident and we turn your French skills into value. Are you ready to speak French with us now? We think so, too! Teaching French is our passion and we’ve helped people all around the world. Our school, I Learn French, is accredited at the European Parliament and has also been selected by the prestigious OECD to provide coaching to Senior Managers and Executives. Rien que ça!

"A year from now you will wish you had started today." Karen Lamb

For you

About Our Private French classes

Learn French forever

Results oriented

You’ll reach your objectives.
Learn French forever

You learn with a native speaker.

Certified, native French teachers who are polyglots with international experience.

Flexible location

Attend your Private French classes course wherever you are! Paris, London, Brussels, Geneva, Nice, Online.

Modern and adapted material

Learn French with appropriate material.

Zero pre-recorded class

You learn with a real teacher.

Conversation oriented classes

You’ll speak with real people and with your teacher. Interaction and friendly environement. Bye bye Roseta Stone. 

Flexible schedule

Enjoy your Private French classes when you are available.

”Every single qualification for success is acquired through habit. People form habits and habits form futures. If you do not deliberately form good habits, then unconsciously you will form bad ones. You are the kind of person you are because you have formed the habit of being that kind of person, and the only way you can change is through habit.” Albert Gray

Not for you

Private French classes are not for you if:


You are on a budget.


If you are not ready to work between the online classes.


If you are not ready to trace everything in your native langage.


If you took more than 3 different French courses and are still convinced that the problem isn’t you.


If you don’t believe in hard work.


You are not motivated.


If you are not willing to change your way of thinking.


If you want to do everything by yourself.


If you hate the French language.


If you are not ready to make an investment in yourself.


If you believe in miracles.

”Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing.” Laurie Buchanan


What Our Students Say About

Our Private French Classes

I have attended some private classes with Clementine during my stay in Paris. She is a great teacher and the classes are of very good quality! Even although I was attending the classes together with my room mate who was more advanced, she managed to keep the classes both interesting and challenging for the both of us. Would 100% recommend to take your French classes with I Learn French

Cherissa A.

RH Manager
Best french teacher I’ve ever had! Super friendly and willing to teach and explain until you get it. Very focused on conversation and putting what is taught into practise. The private French classes increased my confidence in speaking in french by a lot.

Milagros S.

University student
I highly recommend this academy. I was able to speak French well years ago but I needed a bit of a refresher course and I LEARN FRENCH was the perfect fit. Everything was well organized and best of all was the fact that the teacher was EXCELLENT! Many thanks!

Daniel S.

English teacher and school manager.

They Learn French With Us

Australian Embassy in Paris

Start your private French classes right now!

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60 €/hour
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70 €/hour
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80 €/hour
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90 €/hour
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