by Yasmine Lesire | Podcast
Quelle est la différence entre “c’est bon” et “c’est bien” en français ? Les deux expressions sont similaires mais elles ont des utilisations qui ne sont pas interchangeables. Si tu parles une langue romane, tu as de la chance car ces deux mots ont leur traduction...
by Yasmine Lesire | French language tips
You can’t practice and improve your French on your own, without a teacher Has this thought ever crossed your mind? Do you think that, on your own, it’s too hard to make or even maintain progress in French? Attending a course to learn French is always a great idea. But...
by Yasmine Lesire | Learn French
Before teaching French and learning languages online, I used to hear my father 15 years ago talking about e-learning. Like most teenagers at that age, everything that came out of his mouth sounded old-fashioned ouais c’est ça! When I started teaching French as a...
by Yasmine Lesire | French language tips
Do you think that Francophones swallow their words and speak too fast? Are you convinced that you’ll never be comfortable speaking and listening French? Wrong! Totally and absolutely wrong. With 300 million francophones in the world and 50 million learning French as a...
by Yasmine Lesire | French language tips
You’ve probably heard French native speakers, confidently speaking English or other languages, though making lots of mistakes. You too, should feel comfortable speaking French with whatever minimal French skills you already have mastered. What does fluent or bilingual...