by Yasmine Lesire | French language tips
Nobody will be able to understand me when I speak in French… I guess I’ll just speak in English to be safe…. Can you relate to those thoughts? Well, you’re not alone. So many adult learners are still scared to speak French, even after attending hours and hours...
by Yasmine Lesire | Podcast
Il y a un an, j’ai lancé le tout premier épisode du podcast “Le français avec Yasmine”. Je n’ai pas choisi la date du lancement de ce podcast par hasard. En effet, le 20 mars, c’est le jour international de la francophonie. Pour célébrer les un an de cette aventure,...
by Yasmine Lesire | French language tips
The best way to conceptualize your French-learning journey is to think of it like following a diet or getting in shape. While speaking French is way cooler than rocking a six pack (maybe I’m a tiny bit biased) … they both speak to a similar principle. Let me explain. ...
by Yasmine Lesire | Podcast
Est-ce que tu confonds parfois les mots suivants : mi, milieu, moitié ? Je te rassure, ces mots sont difficiles pour toutes les personnes qui apprennent le français langue étrangère et pour cause, dans certaines langues, ils se traduisent en un seul et même mot. ...
by Yasmine Lesire | French language tips
One major mark of success and exciting achievement while studying French (or any foreign language for that matter) is to watch a French movie without subtitles and without suffering. If you’re a big fan of films and you want to combine your passion for movies with...