Class Selection Guide & Pricing
Choose the option that suits you best.
Private Classes
Starting from €187/hour, 10 hours minimum

Learning Anywhere
Choose between online learning or a teacher coming to your location.
Immediate Start
Embark on your learning journey right away.
Personalized Learning Experience
Be your class’s sole hero, mastering exactly what you need for the next level.
Flexible French Learning
Learn French at your own pace and in the places that suit you best.
Online long-term Group Classes
Starting from 150€/month

Learning Anywhere
Study from wherever you want!
Make Friends
Experience close-knit, compassionate online classrooms with like-minded students.
Create a Routine
Get ready to establish a long-term routine, so you can finally see results.
Boost Your Confidence
Enhance your confidence to speak French, even if you’re not bilingual.
Digital Courses
Starting from 45€

Learning Anywhere
Study from wherever you want!
Immediate Start
Embark on your learning journey right away.
Flexible French Learning
Learn French at your own pace and in the places that suit you best.
Practical Learning Experience
Experience lessons that focus on what truly helps you in real-life situations.
Podcast Membership

“Le français avec Yasmine” is a free podcast for intermediate French learners. If you purchase a podcast membership, you will receive the transcript (PDF) of each episode I publish every week.
Do you want to know your level of French?
Discover your level in French for free (e-mail is required).