
21 smart Christmas gifts🎄 for someone who is learning French (or for yourself 🤩) 2023 edition

by | Nov 15, 2022 | French language tips, Learn French

Ideal Christmas gifts for someone who is learning French

  I hate Christmas and Christmas shopping but… I’m not anti-social and I still have a family and friends, so as long as I’m still interacting with people I love, I won’t be able to avoid the Christmas season.    I hate Christmas for many reasons and one of them is that it’s very hard for me to find useful and great gifts. I always want to be original and I don’t want to fall into the trap of giving the trendiest item. I always take it very personally when, for example, I offer a book and the person doesn’t read it. I know I shouldn’t, but I’m like this.    I know finding useful gifts is challenging and we never have enough time to prepare our Christmas shopping. In this article, I will help you find useful, fun and interesting gifts related to the French language. Bye bye boring and horrible Christmas gifts.    Here you go with my personal selections. I want to add that I’m not sponsored to talk about these products and I’ve been working on this article for many many months.   


  credit photo: www.brusselsisyours.com  

Posters in French 

  • If you or your friend is a fan of movie, this poster with the 100 most important and must-see movies of all time can be a nice gift. 100 movies to watch before you die
  • If you (or your friend) are wine lover, while visiting the fair of the independent winegrowers association, I’ve found the best gift ever: Poster about wine, grapes, maps of French wines, Argentinian wines, How to choose your wine and based on your cheese, wine and yoga,… La carte des vins-svp

Decoration in French

  • If you are trying to help someone learn French in a fun way, this gift might be nice as it helps people to create sentences on their fridge. It’s time to write poetry in French on your fridge. Magnetic words in French
  • Buy some light for your friend. This is a French company I discovered on Instagram and they create amazingly cute and customizable candles. I love them. Bougie personnalisée végétale by BougiesVolige on Etsy

Books in French

    They are available in many languages. There are very cute and little, easy to read books for kids and adults.    You can personalize your gift and choose one character that defines your friend the most. For my boyfriend, who is French and very grumpy, I’ll certainly choose the Monsieur Grincheux  

Calendars are always a good idea

  • A calendar with beautiful quotes so you or your friend can enjoy inspirational quotes everyday and be in a good mood. Les plus jolies citations du monde.
  • Dark Humor — as we call it in French. 
  If you think you should be able to laugh about absolutely everything and you have no filter, this calendar is for you. Calendrier humour noir.    

What about a bit of geography and French 

  • Map of French wine 
  The best way to become smarter when you drink wine. You’ve probably experienced that but the French love to talk about regions when they talk about wine. Map of the French wine  
  • Scratch-off Map of French specialities. If you are a foodie, you’ll enjoy discovering new specialities. Foodies map

Activities and games 

  • There are many games available in French such as Trivial poursuit or Monopoly and I found this one very useful and original. If you don’t know what to do today, it will help you find inspiration and new ideas. And you, what do you do do today? 100 activities.
  I hope this helps you find the best gift for your friends, in-laws, partners or simply for yourself. If you are learning French and you already have an intermediate or advanced level, I would love you to join my secret group on Facebook where I post a lot of free resources  and you can interact with other French learners. [:]

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