
Free resources

Boost your French skills with my free ressources (e-mail is required).

Weekly Newsletter in English

Every week, in your mailbox, you’ll  get :

  • My ticks and tips to boost your French skills.
  • Direct access to me.
  • Insight about learning French as an adult.
  • You’ll also be aware  of my next courses and promo. Sometimes I offer discount.
  • Disclaimer : the newsletter 100% in French is available only for paid members of the podcast.

Want to meet me in your mailbox every week? Leave your email below!

Test your level in French

Take my Free placement test and let’s confirm together your level in French.

In addition, once you take the test, I’ll send you a personal email with 6 questions to help you what you need to do to reach the next level.

Ready? Click below to take the test and see you in your mail box!

Podcast : “le Français avec Yasmine”

Every week discover something new about the French language. Le français avec Yasmine is a podcast for intermediate and advanced level.

Coucou le subjonctif

I’ve been teaching French for 15 years and I know how challenging it can be to understand and master the subjonctif in French.

I created a super clear Cheat Sheet to help you mastert he subjonctif. This is the document I teach in my courses and I give it to you, for FREE.

Click below to grab it and don’t forget to print it! This Subjonctif Cheat Sheet is golden!

Master the “féminin” and the “masculin” in French

Yes, the gender in French can be 🤯 . I created a cheat sheet to help you master the gender of the most used words in French.

Ready? Click below to receive my Free Féminin and masculin Cheat Sheet!